Monday, September 24, 2007

CSR: Enduring benefits for communities and companies alike

CSR: Enduring benefits for communities and companies alike

The Jakarta Post
Opinion and Editorial - August 02, 2007
Simon G. Bell, Jakarta

The times when Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was more of an ad hoc act of generosity when times were good has passed. CSR and community engagement is now an obligation by law in Indonesia.

Although the articles of the law do not specifically state the extent of companies' CSR obligations, the law does state that companies involved or related to the extraction industry will be required to conduct CSR and environmental programs. The law further states that sanctions will apply to companies who do not adhere to these requirements and that the government will publish further specifications in the near future.

This an article published by the Jakarta Post and written by Senior Apex Consultant Simon G. Bell on the recent legislation changes in Indonesia, making CSR obligatory for Limited Liability companies across the archipelago.

We invite you to read the full article at:

We expect this link to be active for the near future. Should the link become inactive please contact the Jakarta Post directly or you can read the full article on the Apex website at the following link:

We invite you to visit our website for additional information on CSR in South East Asia. Visit us at

The Apex Consulting Group

Uncomfortable truths: CSR in the Philippines

Uncomfortable Truths
By Ramon del Rosario Jr.Inquirer
MANILA, Philippines

"CSR in a country like ours cannot just be auxiliary, relegated to a department, or assigned to a retiring executive; it must be part of who or what companies are, it must be fundamental. It cannot just be about doing good work; it must also be about making all our work do good..."

This an interesting article on the expectations of good citizenship in the Philippines. It also has wider applications for CSR programs internationally.

We invite you to read the full article at:

We expect this link to be active for the next week or so. Should the link become inactive please contact the Inquirer directly.

We invite you to visit our website for additional information on CSR in South East Asia. Visit us at

The Apex Consulting Group

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Apex Delivers Business Workshops to SMEs in Jakarta

Apex Delivers Business Workshops to SMEs in Jakarta

The Apex Consulting Group recently conducted a series of Executive Workshops for SMEs from Jakarta, East Java, Central Java and Sumatra. Apex senior consultants recently delivered Business Planning, Business Valuations and Access to Finance coaching and training support at the GrandKemang Hotel.

Participants were introduced to a customised series of topics which included:

• The importance of business planning
• Types of business planning
• The planning process
• Elements of the business plan
• The applications of business planning
• Understanding business valuations
• An overview of effective valuation methods
• Key challenges for SMEs attempting to access finance
• An overview of financing options
• How to select an appropriate financing option
• Developing a request finance proposal

The Apex Consulting Group is a specialist management consulting firm committed to assisting our clients accomplish the business success they strive to achieve. We add value in the areas of Business Advisory, CSR Support Services, Executive Coaching and Business Upskilling.

For further information on this Executive Workshop Series or on how we may be able to assist you please contact our Jakarta office on: +62 21 723 6161 or email:

Visit our website at

CSR Support Services

Our Core Services
Corporate Social Responsibility Services

The times when Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) was more of an ad hoc act of generosity by corporations to communities when times are good have long passed. CSR and community engagement is now an essential component of business continuity.

The challenge in this new environment is to effectively develop a strategy that can integrate the welfare of a community with that of an organization. This requires the development of processes and frameworks that enable the proactive examination of opportunities designed to benefit both the organization and the community.

It is imperative that CSR programs are supported by a business case that calculates the benefits and costs as well as identifying key positive and negative impacts of the program. In particular the positive affect on the local economy, local entrepreneurs, environment, health and education systems must be considered when developing CSR strategies.

To find out more visit

Executive Upskilling

Our Core Services
Executive Upskilling

In an environment where change is the only constant one of the keys to business success is to embrace rather than fear change. A prerequisite for business success is a workforce that quickly adapts to and has a positive attitude towards change. In this environment, a dynamic and change-friendly workforce can only endure when employees have confidence in their own skills and capabilities.

Businesses who invest in the skills, capabilities and confidence of their workforce will find that no matter what eventuates; change creates an opportunity for growth, development and increased profitability. Companies who neglect to invest in their people will find themselves playing catch-up with industry leaders.

To find out more visit

Executive Coaching Services

Our Core Services
Executive Coaching

How can businesses overcome challenges or profit from opportunities that require skills outside of the managers’ experience? Where can they get access to the expertise they need to further develop their business?

An effective answer is to seek the assistance of an experienced business coach. A coach is a mentor. Someone who holds you to account, offers support and assists business owners and senior managers to improve the way they grow their business.

An executive coach has knowledge, experience and skills in specific areas and industries and shares this knowledge with you. Typically coaches work with entrepreneurs, independent professionals, business owners and business managers.

To find out more visit

PT The Apex Consulting Group

The Apex Consulting Group is a specialist management consulting firm focusing on advising clients in South-East Asia and Australia. We are committed to assisting our clients accomplish the business success and growth targets they strive to achieve. We support our clients by providing insightful, frank and objective advice in relation to business problems that affect their bottom-line results.

Clients look to us for practical assistance with strategic and operational challenges; and, for an outside perspective on day-to-day business issues that demand creative solutions. We think internationally but we understand and develop solutions that are locally relevant. We assist our clients in areas such as human resources, sales, marketing, finance, business strategy, supply chain management, value chain management and corporate social responsibility.

Our people have significant international management consulting experience in Indonesia, Europe, the Middle East and Australia.

We have successfully provided client solutions for private corporations, government-owned enterprises, government agencies and not-for-profit organisations.

Through extensive industry experience, we have developed a rigorous financial management system that ensures transparency and accountability. Our comprehensive systems for managing projects have been refined to the highest standards and include continuous improvement processes to ensure the highest level of client satisfaction and project outcomes.